Shark Tank Forum 2022
Shark Tank Forum 2022 which is its topic “Transforming your business with blockchain technology” brings a panoramic view of Blockchain, identified by leading experts in Vietnam and internationally, helping startups understand the potential and maximize the revolutionary technology into enterprises.
Blockchain is the subject of morning sessions. Leaders of the Vietnam Blockchain Association will update on the state’s Legal Policy and Development Corridor related to this new technology sector. Representatives of enterprises will share about the technology solutions that have been developed and applied in production and business activities in Vietnam. Following the content is a discussion of various forms of funding for Blockchain technology projects, the content is always given special attention by startups.
Afternoon sessions are practical digital transformation apps for SMEs businesses.
Businesses need to stick to 3 key aspects to identify the problem of digital transformation: improving operations, improving customer experience in a digital environment and accumulating data to bring new business models.
Digital transformation is mandatory and inevitable in the near future. Businesses must join this game if they want their name to exist in the market, but what methods do you need to be effective?

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